When members of the CEM community share feedback, we listen. This quarter, we share four efforts that will deliver more insight in 2023.
It’s been a year since I joined CEM. Both prior and since joining, current and former clients have kindly shared their thoughts. How is CEM doing? What more could we do? Where should we start?
Fortunately, the commentary skewed positive. But, naturally, areas for improvement emerged. Here are four of these areas and how we are addressing each one:
Can we better ensure metrics are truly comparable? Please see Tom’s update on the Global Reporting Standards for Institutional Investors (GRSii). As Institutional Investors adopt the standards, the input into our benchmarking efforts, and industry reporting overall, will improve.
Can we be more relevant to underfunded DB plans? Our dashboard now offers the ability to segment the analysis of your portfolio. This means you can have separate peers and metrics for the return-seeking and liability-hedging portions of your plan. Watch this video for more.
Can our Administration scores better reflect today’s digital environment? At our PABS conference in November, we will outline the proposed evolution for plans with a more digital and journey-centric member service model. We will be listening closely for additional feedback.
Can CEM integrate with more industry players? We have partnered with DCALTA to track private assets in the default options of U.S. D.C. plans. In parallel, we continue to liaise with other industry associations and service providers.
While detail on these efforts can be found below, we would be pleased to share more with you live. If you’re interested, we would love to take you through our product roadmaps. Feel free to reach out to your CEM relationship manager to discuss.
Finally, this month CEM celebrates our thirtieth anniversary. If you’re in Toronto on October 19th, please join us for a cocktail. Details on our birthday event are below.
Meet GRSii, the New Global Reporting Standard for Institutional Investors
In an era of increased reporting complexity for institutional investors, CEM Benchmarking has sought to establish a new gold standard for institutional investment reporting and disclosure. Meet GRSii, or more formally, the Global Reporting Standard for Institutional Investors.
This summer, CEM joined the Defined Contribution Alternatives Association (DCALTA). As a member, we have committed to publicly releasing certain metrics on the use of alternatives by U.S. DC plan sponsors. How prevalent are alternatives in the asset allocation of target date and balanced options by these plans? How does this vary between OTC and Custom options?
Client transparency best practices curated by Edsart
In April, we released the second edition of the Global Pension Transparency Benchmark, a collaboration with Top1000funds.com. As part of this initiative, our team invested 2,500+ hours assessing the quality of asset owners' disclosures and identifying best practices. In this new column by Edsart Heuberger, we show you some of those best practices from our clients. This month's example comes from CPP Investments.
Janjaap's tips for getting the most out of your dashboard
A key feature of the CEM Dashboard is its versatility to compare metrics against several peer groups and/or universes. This month's "Key Strokes" illustrates usability for LDI-focused funds following a two-portfolio approach (2PA).
Voice of the Customer
Member experiences captured by Hannah
Worried about the complexity and lack of resources to properly implement and/or manage a customer feedback program? No matter how big or small your organization is, Hannah shares insights to ease implementation of such a program.
Our online Peer Intelligence Network (PIN) is a trove of peer wisdom and best practices. In this month's pick, we dive into one of our most popular topics: the contact centre.